Affordable critical illness insurance for Canadians

The best protection against critical illnesses — at a competitive rate!

PolicyMe Perks
PolicyMe Perks
44 conditions covered, the most in Canada
Easy online process for getting coverage
Standalone policy
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What is critical illness insurance in Canada?

Critical illness insurance coverage is a type of insurance that offers a living benefit for Canadians with illnesses like heart attacks, stroke, cancer, etc. PolicyMe insurance covers you from select early-stage conditions that are detected sooner so that you can start getting better faster. You can use the cash to help replace your income while you take time off work or to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Benefits of critical illness coverage with PolicyMe!

44 conditions covered

27 critical illnesses and 17 early-stage conditions – the most in Canada

More coverage options

Get covered for $10,000 to $1 million, from 10 to 30 years

Extensive coverage for early-stage cancers and cardiac illnesses

With multiple payouts possible

Backed by Securian Canada

Trust your protection with federally-regulated insurance

Genuine advice, no pressure to buy

Our licensed advisors offer helpful advice, Mon-Fri

See for yourself

What illnesses does critical illness insurance cover?

PolicyMe covers 44 conditions, the most in Canada!


  • Cancer of specified severity

Heart Conditions

  • Aortic surgery
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Heart attack
  • Heart valve replacement or repair

Neurological Conditions

  • Stroke
  • Acquired brain injury
  • Bacterial meningitis
  • Benign brain tumour
  • Coma
  • Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
  • Motor neuron disease (incl. ALS)
  • Parkinson's Disease and specified atypical Parkinsonian disorders
  • Paralysis

Autoimmune Conditions

  • Aplastic anaemia
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Occupational HIV infection

Sensory & Mobility Conditions

  • Blindness
  • Deafness
  • Loss of limbs
  • Loss of speech
  • Loss of independent existence
  • Severe burns

Transplants & Organ-Related Conditions

  • Kidney failure
  • Major organ transplant
  • Major organ failure on waiting list

Cardiovascular Conditions & Procedures

  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Coronary angioplasty
  • Endovascular aortic surgery
  • Implantation of a permanent cardiac pacemaker
  • Implantation of a permanent implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)

Early-Stage Blood Cancers

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia – stage 0

Early-Stage Breast Cancer

  • Breast Cancer: Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast or lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast

Early-Stage Intestinal Cancer

  • Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST)

Early-Stage Prostate Cancer

  • Prostate cancer – stage T1a or T1b

Early-Stage Skin Cancers

  • Malignant melanoma – stage 1
  • Dermatofibrosarcoma
  • Primary cutaneous lymphoma

Early-Stage Thyroid Cancer

  • Papillary thyroid cancer or follicular thyroid cancer – stage 1

Other Forms Of Cancer

  • Neuroendocrine tumours (including carcinoid tumours)
  • Carcinoma in-situ (non-invasive cancer)


  • Carcinoma in-situ (CIS) of the breast treated with total mastectomy


  • Prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy

How does critical illness insurance work with PolicyMe?

Compare PolicyMe with other insurance providers
Other Companies

Online process. Get approved and covered in 20 minutes, on average.

Typically; a call or meeting with an advisor and a paper application
Online process. Get approved and covered in 20 minutes, on average.
Number of Conditions Covered

44 conditions covered

20-30 conditions covered, on average
44 conditions covered
Coverage Amounts

$10,000 to $1 million

$25,000 to $2.5 million, on average
$10,000 to $1 million
Term Lengths

10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years

Usually 10 or 20 years, or until age 70 or 75
10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years
Fully Covered Early-Stage Conditions

27 severe conditions

24-26 severe conditions, on average
27 severe conditions
Partially Covered Early-Stage Conditions

17 early-stage conditions

0-8 early-stage conditions, on average
17 early-stage conditions
Payout Details

Lump-sum tax-free payout

Lump-sum tax-free payout
Lump-sum tax-free payout
Locked-in Rate?




Can I apply with my partner?

Yes, one online application for both partners

No, others require separate applications
Yes, one online application for both partners

See how affordable critical illness insurance can be with PolicyMe

Who needs critical illness insurance in Canada?

You may need critical illness insurance if you have people in your life who depend on your income. Being seriously ill often means taking time off work or paying for medical expenses that are not covered by provincial health insurance.

Critical illness insurance provides a financial cushion during that difficult time.


Employees without critical illness coverage


People without supplemental health insurance

Canadians without an emergency fund

How does critical illness insurance work in Canada?

Answer a few questions about your health and lifestyle

Apply for critical illness insurance on its own, or you can apply for term life insurance and see if you’re approved for both at the same time.

How much critical illness coverage do I need?

How much critical illness insurance coverage you need depends on the size of your emergency fund.

Experts usually recommend having three to six months' worth of post-tax income. You may not need critical illness insurance if you have this much available in cash.

Do you have enough saved up to replace what you contribute? What about your spouse or partner? Even if you’re not the breadwinner, your family may still depend on your salary or free labour such as childcare.

Critical illness insurance quotes

Get a critical illness insurance quote


Check your price online: no commitment, no personal information collected.

Apply online when you're ready.

Get personalized advice


Licensed Canadian advisors are available by phone Monday to Friday, between 9AM and 5PM EST.

FAQ: Critical illness insurance 101

Critical illness means being diagnosed with a serious health condition that is often life-threatening.

Insurance companies have different definitions of what a critical illness is and what conditions qualify. Common conditions such as stroke, cancer and heart attack are usually covered in critical illness insurance policies.

The purpose of critical illness insurance is to provide financial support to an individual that has a serious disease or illness. Public health care in Canada may not cover all medications, travel for treatment and homecare. You may also not have an employer group benefit plan or other private coverage to rely on. A critical illness may also mean unpaid time off work and/or additional costs like child care or retrofitting your home.

The lump sum payment you get from critical illness insurance helps to offset these expenses and provide additional financial security during this difficult time.

Illnesses typically covered by critical illness insurance in Canada include heart attack, cancer, paralysis, stroke, organ transplants, Alzheimer's, kidney failure and multiple sclerosis.

Canadian insurers have different definitions of what a critical illness is, but it is essentially a life-threatening illness. Some insurers will only cover serious illnesses like heart attack, while others will also cover early-stage diseases such as early-stage breast cancer.

In Canada, PolicyMe recently introduced the most complete critical illness insurance that covers 44 conditions: full coverage for 27 conditions and partial coverage for 17 conditions. Sun Life and Equitable offer the next best coverage options with 34 conditions covered: full coverage for 26 conditions and partial coverage for 8 conditions.

Curious to see how PolicyMe stacks up against other Canadian critical illness providers? Learn more about the best critical illness insurance in Canada.

Some conditions specify an amount of time that has to pass after you are diagnosed before you qualify for a critical illness payout. This differs by insurance company and by the condition that is covered. Usually, cardiovascular conditions (like heart attacks) are most likely to have a waiting period. That said, most of PolicyMe's covered conditions don't have waiting periods to qualify.

Critical illness insurance typically pays out between $10,000 to $1 million in Canada. You choose your coverage amount when you apply for and sign your critical illness policy. If you want a higher coverage amount, your monthly premium will also be higher, though this rate is also determined by your health status, age and other factors.

Critical illness insurance is always paid out as a single lump-sum amount.

Yes, you can always cancel your critical illness insurance with any Canadian provider.

With PolicyMe, you get a full refund on any premiums you have paid if you cancel within 30 days of the date your critical illness policy became active.

If you cancel after this 30-day period, you will only receive a pro-rated refund of any premiums you have prepaid. You won’t be charged any cancellation fees or penalties.

Yes, you can buy critical illness insurance by itself in Canada. At PolicyMe, you can buy critical illness coverage by itself, you can buy it with term life insurance or you can add it on to existing term life insurance coverage after the fact.

You might still be eligible for critical illness insurance if you have a history of high blood pressure. But you may not be eligible if you’ve had an abnormal ECG or have had heart surgery. You might also be ineligible if you’ve been diagnosed with or have experienced symptoms of:

  • Heart attack
  • Transient ischemic attack
  • Stroke
  • Coronary artery disease

Make sure to read your policy carefully to see what other exclusions may apply.