How Health Insurance Companies in Canada Work

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Key Takeaways

  • Health insurance companies manage healthcare coverage, assess risks, set premiums, and process claims to help cover medical expenses.
  • Review policy terms, premium calculations, claim processes, and preventive services to understand your coverage fully.
  • PolicyMe simplifies the process—get a quick quote, choose the best plan, complete the application, and secure your coverage efficiently.

What Do Health Insurance Companies Do?

Health insurance companies play a crucial role in helping people manage their healthcare costs. They offer various plans to cover everything from routine check-ups to major surgeries, working with healthcare providers to ensure you get the care you need. 

These companies handle the nitty-gritty details like assessing risk, setting premiums, and managing claims. Your premium cost is based on factors like your age, health, and the coverage you choose.

When you need medical care, your insurance company steps in to process claims and pay healthcare providers according to your policy terms. This system spreads the financial risk of medical expenses across many people, making healthcare more affordable for everyone.

Take PolicyMe, for example. As a Canadian digital insurance provider, PolicyMe aims to simplify and lower the cost of health and dental insurance. Getting a quote is quick and easy, taking just 30 seconds, and you can complete your application in about 5 minutes.

Benefits of Having a Health Insurance

Health insurance is a valuable investment for individuals and families in Canada. But despite this, over 12 million people in Canada (or a whopping third of Canadians!) still don't have any type of health insurance coverage, whether through work or a personal plan, and many still pay out-of-pocket for prescription medications. 

Let’s review some of the key benefits of having health insurance:

  • Financial Protection: Health insurance provides financial protection against high medical costs. It helps cover expenses such as doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, and prescription medications. These costs can quickly add up without insurance and become a significant financial burden.
  • Access to Comprehensive Care: Having health insurance ensures access to a wide range of medical services. This includes preventive care, like vaccinations and screenings, which can help detect health issues early and improve outcomes. Insurance also covers specialist consultations and advanced treatments, giving you the care you need when you need it.
  • Peace of Mind: Health insurance offers peace of mind by reducing the stress and uncertainty of potential medical expenses. Knowing that you are covered allows you to focus on your health and well-being rather than worrying about how to pay for necessary treatments.
  • Better Health Outcomes: With health insurance, you are more likely to seek timely medical care, leading to better health outcomes. Regular check-ups and preventive care can help manage chronic conditions and prevent serious illnesses. This proactive approach to health can enhance your quality of life.
  • Prescription Medication Coverage: Many health insurance plans include coverage for prescription medications, reducing out-of-pocket costs. This is particularly important for those managing chronic conditions that require ongoing medication. Without insurance, the cost of prescriptions can be a significant financial strain.

How to Evaluate Health Insurance Providers

Choosing the right health insurance provider can sometimes feel like comparing apples to apples. Unless you have previous experience with comparing health insurance companies, you might find it tough to know what makes a policy great! 

We’ve all been there, so we have gathered our key criteria to look for when evaluating health insurance providers:

Coverage Options

Evaluate the range of coverage options each provider offers. Ensure the plans include essential services like hospital stays, doctor visits, prescription medications, dental care, and vision care. A comprehensive plan should meet your specific healthcare needs.

Premiums and Costs

Compare the premiums and overall costs associated with different providers. Look at the monthly premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pocket maximums. Balancing the cost with the coverage provided is crucial to finding a plan that fits your budget.

Provider Network

Check the network of doctors, hospitals, and specialists included in each plan. Make sure your preferred healthcare providers are in-network to avoid higher out-of-pocket costs. A broader network offers more flexibility in choosing where you receive care.

Customer Service

Good customer service can significantly impact your experience with an insurance provider. Look for companies with strong customer support, easy claim processes, and positive customer reviews. Responsive and helpful customer service is important for resolving issues quickly.

Claim Process

Understand the claim process of each provider. A straightforward and efficient claim process can make a big difference when you need to use your insurance. Check if the provider offers online claim submission and how long it typically takes to process claims.

Additional Benefits

Consider any additional benefits the provider offers, such as wellness programs, preventive care, mental health services, and alternative treatments like physiotherapy or chiropractic care. These extras can enhance the value of your health insurance plan.

Financial Stability

Assess the insurance provider's financial stability. Companies with strong financial health are more likely to provide reliable coverage and remain around for the long term. You can check financial ratings from independent agencies to gauge stability.

Flexibility and Customization

Look for providers that offer flexibility and customization in their plans. The ability to adjust coverage options and add riders for specific needs can ensure your plan evolves with your changing healthcare requirements.

Services Offered by Health Insurance Companies

Health insurance companies provide various services designed to meet various healthcare needs. These services aim to enhance your health and well-being while offering financial protection. Here are some key services typically offered:

  • Medical Coverage: Includes doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, and specialist consultations.
  • Prescription Drug Coverage: Helps cover the cost of prescribed medications.
  • Dental Care: Covers routine dental check-ups, cleanings, fillings, and major dental procedures.
  • Vision Care: Includes eye exams, glasses, contact lenses, and sometimes corrective surgeries.
  • Mental Health Services: Offers coverage for counselling, therapy sessions, and psychiatric care.
  • Preventive Care: Covers vaccinations, health screenings, and annual physical exams.
  • Alternative Therapies: Provides coverage for chiropractic care, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massage therapy.
  • Emergency Services: Includes ambulance services and emergency room visits.
  • Wellness Programs: Offers programs focused on fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness, sometimes with incentives.
  • Telehealth Services: Provides access to virtual doctor visits and consultations.
  • Chronic Disease Management: Support and resources for managing chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease.
  • Travel Health Insurance: Coverage for medical emergencies while travelling outside your home province or country.
  • Health Coaching: Access to professional health coaches for personalized health and wellness guidance.

How Do Health Insurance Companies Determine Premiums?

Health insurance companies determine premiums based on several factors that assess the risk and potential cost of providing coverage. 

One of the primary factors is age; generally, older individuals may face higher premiums due to the increased likelihood of requiring medical care. 

Health status also plays a crucial role, with individuals who have pre-existing conditions or chronic illnesses often paying more due to the anticipated higher healthcare costs.

Lifestyle choices, such as smoking or engaging in high-risk activities, can also influence premiums. Insurance companies consider these factors because they can increase the risk of health issues and, consequently, the cost of claims. 

Additionally, the level of coverage selected impacts premiums. Plans with more comprehensive benefits and lower deductibles typically come with higher premiums.

How to Switch Health Insurance Companies

Switching health insurance companies can be straightforward if you follow the right steps. Start by researching and comparing new insurance plans to find one that better suits your needs and budget. 

Look at factors such as coverage options, premiums, network providers, and additional benefits. Once you've selected a new health plan, review the terms and conditions to understand any waiting periods or exclusions.

Next, contact your current insurance provider to inform them of your decision to switch and to understand any potential cancellation fees or required notice periods. 

Coordinate the start date of your new policy with the end date of your current one to ensure there is no gap in your coverage. Finally, complete the application process for your new insurance plan, providing all necessary documentation and information.

How to Apply for Health Insurance

Applying for health insurance with PolicyMe is a simple and efficient process. Follow these steps to secure the coverage you need:

Step 1: Get a Quote

Visit the PolicyMe website and start by getting a quote. Enter some basic information about yourself and your healthcare needs. Within 30 seconds, you'll receive a quote that gives you an idea of the cost and coverage options available.

Step 2: Choose Your Plan

Review the different health insurance plans offered by PolicyMe. Compare the coverage details, premiums, and any additional benefits. Select the plan that best fits your healthcare needs and budget.

Step 3: Complete the Application

Once you've chosen a plan, you can complete the application online. The process is designed to be quick and user-friendly, taking about 5 minutes. You can fill out the application on your own or get assistance from a phone advisor if you have any questions.

Step 4: Submit Your Application

After completing the application, review all your information to ensure accuracy. Submit your application through the PolicyMe website. You'll receive a confirmation once your application has been successfully submitted.

Step 5: Receive Your Coverage

Once your application is approved, you'll receive your policy documents. Review these documents to understand your coverage, benefits, and terms or conditions. 

Your health insurance coverage with PolicyMe is now active, providing you with the protection you need.


  • Health insurance companies offer various plans to cover medical costs, manage claims, and work with healthcare providers to ensure the accessibility of necessary medical services.
  • They provide financial protection, access to comprehensive care, peace of mind, better health outcomes, and prescription medication coverage.
  • Consider coverage options, costs, provider networks, customer service, claim processes, additional benefits, financial stability, and plan flexibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can health insurance companies charge more for smokers?

Yes, health insurance companies in Canada can charge higher premiums for smokers. This practice is rooted in the increased health risks associated with smoking, which can lead to higher medical costs over time. Insurance companies often factor in these risks when calculating premiums to ensure they can cover the potential increased costs of providing healthcare to smokers. Therefore, if you’re a smoker, you might see higher rates compared to non-smokers.

This isn't just about being unfair; it’s about managing risk. Smoking is linked to various health issues like heart disease, respiratory problems, and certain cancers, which can all lead to more frequent and expensive medical treatments. By charging smokers higher premiums, insurance companies aim to balance out the financial risk. So, while it may seem like a penalty, it’s essentially a way for insurers to provide coverage sustainably.

Can health insurance companies raise your premium?

Yes, health insurance companies can raise your premium. Typically, premium adjustments are based on factors like age, inflation, and changes in the cost of healthcare services. For instance, as you get older, the likelihood of needing medical services increases, which can lead to higher premiums. Additionally, if the costs of medical treatments and prescription drugs go up, insurers might raise premiums to cover these expenses. It's essential to review your policy's terms to understand when and how your premiums might change.

In Canada, it's also worth noting that premiums can be influenced by provincial regulations and the specifics of the insurance plan you choose. Some insurers might adjust premiums annually, while others might do so less frequently. Always keep an eye on your policy renewal notices and any communications from your insurer about potential changes. If you're ever unsure about a premium increase, don't hesitate to reach out to your insurance provider for clarification and to explore if there are ways to mitigate the costs.

Can I have two health insurance companies?

Yes, you can have two health insurance companies in Canada. This is often called "dual coverage" and can be beneficial. For instance, if you have coverage through your employer and also a personal policy, you might find that one plan covers what the other doesn't. This can help reduce your out-of-pocket expenses for things like prescription medications, dental care, or vision services, which aren't fully covered by provincial health plans.

Coordination of benefits is key here. When you make a claim, your primary insurer (typically your employer's plan) will pay first. If there are costs left over, your secondary insurer (your personal plan) can cover the remaining amount. Just be sure to check the details with both insurers to understand what’s covered and how to file claims properly to make the most of your benefits without any hassle.

Do health insurance companies share information?

Yes, health insurance companies in Canada do share information, but there are strict rules and regulations in place to protect your privacy. Generally, they share data to process claims, coordinate benefits, and prevent fraud. When you submit a claim, details about your health and treatments might be shared with other insurers or healthcare providers to verify the information and ensure you're getting the benefits you're entitled to. But don't worry, they can't just share your info with anyone. They follow privacy laws like the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) to keep your details safe and secure.

Moreover, if you're switching from one insurance provider to another, they might share your claims history to determine your coverage eligibility and premiums. This ensures continuity in your coverage and helps the new insurer assess your needs accurately. Always check your policy details and feel free to ask your insurer about their data-sharing practices to stay informed and confident about how your information is handled.

What are common exclusions in health insurance policies?

Health insurance policies in Canada often have a few common exclusions that you should be aware of. Typically, cosmetic procedures, like elective plastic surgeries, aren’t covered unless they’re deemed medically necessary. For instance, a nose job purely for aesthetic reasons would be excluded, but one to correct breathing issues might be covered. Similarly, weight loss surgeries and treatments, unless medically required, are generally excluded. Keep in mind that pre-existing conditions, which are medical conditions you had before you applied for the policy, can also be excluded or have limited coverage depending on the insurer.

Additionally, certain types of care and treatments are often not covered. Routine dental care, vision care (like eyeglasses and contact lenses), and hearing aids are common exclusions unless you have specific add-ons to your plan. Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, and naturopathy, may not be covered unless they are part of an extended health benefits package. It's crucial to read your policy’s fine print and speak with your insurance advisor to fully understand what's covered and what's not, so you don’t face unexpected costs down the road.

How do health insurance companies support preventive care?

Health insurance companies in Canada play a key role in promoting preventive care, making it easier for you to stay healthy and avoid bigger health issues down the road. Many plans cover routine check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations, ensuring you catch any potential problems early. For example, dental plans often include coverage for regular cleanings and exams, which can help prevent more serious issues like cavities or gum disease. By encouraging these regular visits, insurers help you maintain better overall health and potentially avoid more expensive treatments later.

Moreover, health insurance plans often cover wellness programs that promote a healthier lifestyle. These can include fitness classes, nutritional counseling, and smoking cessation programs. By offering these benefits, insurance companies not only help you manage your current health but also support you in making healthier choices. This proactive approach helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases, leading to fewer claims and lower costs for everyone involved. So, investing in a good health insurance plan isn't just about being covered when you're sick—it's about staying healthy in the first place.

What should I consider when renewing my health insurance policy?

When renewing your health insurance policy in Canada, it's essential to review your current coverage and anticipate any future needs. Start by examining any changes in your health or family circumstances over the past year. Have you started needing prescription medications, or has a family member developed a chronic condition? Make sure your policy covers these needs adequately. Also, check if your preferred healthcare providers are still within the plan’s network. This step ensures continuity of care without unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.

Next, consider any lifestyle changes that might impact your coverage needs. Have you switched jobs, or are you approaching retirement? If you're nearing retirement, it's crucial to understand how your benefits might change once you leave the workforce. Some policies offer seamless transition options for retirees, which can be a lifesaver. Additionally, compare your current plan's cost and benefits with other available options to ensure you're getting the best value. Don't hesitate to reach out to your insurer's customer service for clarity on any policy details or to explore additional coverage options that might better suit your evolving needs.

How do health insurance companies in Canada compare to those in other countries?

In Canada, health insurance companies offer a unique blend of public and private options tailored to the needs of residents. The universal healthcare system, known as Medicare, ensures that essential medical services are available to everyone without direct costs at the point of care. However, Medicare doesn't cover everything. That's where private health insurance companies come in, offering coverage for prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, and other services that fall outside the scope of Medicare.

Compared to health insurance companies in other countries, Canadian insurers focus more on supplementary benefits. This means their plans often cover additional services like dental and vision care, making them more affordable and accessible. Canadian insurers also emphasize user-friendly digital platforms and excellent customer service, making it easy for policyholders to understand their coverage and submit claims efficiently.