Guide to Private Health Insurance for Canadians

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Key Takeaways

  • Private health insurance supplements public healthcare by covering additional services like dental, vision, and prescription drugs.
  • Private insurance involves paying monthly premiums in exchange for coverage on services not typically covered by public health insurance.
  • Premiums vary based on coverage level, age, health status, family size, location, and provider.

What Is Private Health Insurance?

Private health insurance is a type of coverage individuals can purchase to supplement the public healthcare system. Unlike public health insurance, which is funded through taxes and provides basic medical coverage, private health insurance offers additional benefits for an additional monthly rate. 

These can include important services like dental care, vision care, prescription drugs, and specialized treatments not typically covered by public plans.

Private health insurance can be obtained through various means. Many people receive it as part of their employment benefits, with the employer covering part or all of the premium costs. Others may purchase it individually from insurance companies. 

2/3 of Canadians have Private Health Insurance (including group and personal plans). The key advantage of private health insurance is the ability to access a broader range of healthcare services and reduce out-of-pocket expenses for treatments that public insurance does not cover.

How Does Private Health Insurance Work?

Private health insurance operates on a system of premiums, coverage, and claims. When you purchase a private health insurance plan, you agree to pay a monthly premium. This premium can vary based on the level of coverage, your age, and any pre-existing conditions. 

In return, the insurance company provides coverage for a range of medical services that are not typically covered by public health insurance. These services can include dental care, vision care, prescription medications, and access to private healthcare facilities.

When you need to use your private health insurance, the process usually involves submitting a claim. After receiving a medical service, you might need to pay the provider upfront and then submit a claim to your insurance company for reimbursement. 

Some insurance plans have direct billing agreements with healthcare providers, which means the provider will bill the insurance company directly, and you only need to pay any applicable copayments or deductibles. 

It's important to keep track of your policy's specifics, such as covered services, exclusions, and claim procedures, to ensure you get the most out of your coverage.

Why Consider Private Health Insurance?

While public health insurance in Canada covers essential medical services, there are many reasons to consider adding private health insurance to your healthcare plan. Private health insurance can offer additional benefits and peace of mind, ensuring you have access to a wider range of services and reducing out-of-pocket expenses.

Here are just some of the reasons why private health insurance might be a good idea to keep on your radar:

  • Expanded Coverage: Includes services not covered by public insurance, such as dental care, vision care, and prescription drugs.
  • Faster Access to Care: Shorter wait times for elective procedures and specialist consultations.
  • Choice of Providers: More options for selecting healthcare providers and facilities.
  • Comprehensive Family Coverage: Tailored plans to meet families' specific needs, including coverage for children's healthcare.
  • Wellness Programs: Access preventive care and wellness programs, including gym memberships, nutrition counselling, and mental health services.
  • Travel Coverage: Protection when travelling outside your home province or country, ensuring access to medical care abroad.
  • Financial Security: The government only pays for 70% of Canada's total health expenditure. Private health insurance helps manage unexpected healthcare costs and reduces the financial burden of medical expenses.
  • Flexibility: Options to customize your plan to suit your specific healthcare needs and preferences.

Comprehensive Coverage Offered by Private Health Insurance

Private health insurance can provide many benefits beyond what public health insurance covers. These additional services can greatly enhance your healthcare experience and ensure you have access to the treatments and support you need.

Dental Care

Private health insurance often includes dental coverage, routine check-ups, cleanings, fillings, and more complex procedures like root canals and orthodontics. This can help maintain good oral health and reduce out-of-pocket costs for dental services.

Vision Care

Vision care is another key benefit, covering eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses. Some plans also offer coverage for corrective surgeries like LASIK, helping you maintain good eye health and clear vision.

Prescription Drugs

Many private health insurance plans provide extensive coverage for prescription medications. This can include both generic and brand-name drugs, helping to manage chronic conditions and treat illnesses without incurring high costs.

Mental Health Services

Mental health is an important aspect of overall well-being. Private health insurance can cover counselling, therapy sessions, and psychiatric care. This support can be crucial for managing stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Alternative Therapies

Health coverage for alternative therapies like chiropractic care, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and massage therapy is often included in private health insurance plans. These treatments can be beneficial for managing pain, improving mobility, and enhancing overall health.

Specialist Consultations and Treatments

Access to specialist consultations and advanced treatments is another benefit. Private insurance can reduce wait times for seeing specialists and getting necessary procedures, ensuring timely and effective care.

Preventive Care and Wellness Programs

Preventive care services such as screenings, vaccinations, and wellness programs are commonly covered. These services focus on maintaining health and preventing illnesses, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.

Cost of Private Health Insurance in Canada

The cost of private health insurance in Canada can vary based on several factors. Understanding these factors can help you make an informed decision when choosing a plan.

  1. Coverage Level: The more comprehensive the coverage, the higher the premium. Plans that include dental, vision, and prescription drug coverage will generally cost more than basic plans.
  2. Age and Health Status: Your age and overall health can impact the cost of insurance. Older individuals or those with pre-existing conditions might pay higher premiums.
  3. Family Size: Insuring a family will typically cost more than an individual plan. However, family plans can offer better value by covering multiple members under one policy.
  4. Location: Insurance costs can vary depending on where you live. Urban areas might have different pricing than rural areas due to the availability and cost of healthcare services.
  5. Provider and Plan Type: Different insurance providers offer various plans with differing benefits and pricing. Comparing multiple providers can help you find a plan that fits your budget and needs.

How to Find the Best Private Health Insurance Plan

Choosing the best private health insurance can be challenging, but taking the time to compare your options can help you save your money for a plan that meets your needs and budget. 

Finding a private health insurance plan is easier than you might expect.  By following these steps below you might find the perfect plan for you:

  1. Assess Your Health Needs: Start by evaluating your healthcare needs. Consider the types of services you use most often, such as dental, vision, or prescription medications. Think about any chronic conditions or regular treatments you might need. This assessment will help you identify the essential coverage areas for your insurance plan.
  2. Compare Plans and Providers: Research different insurance providers and the plans they offer. Look at the coverage details, premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs. Comparing multiple plans can give you a clearer picture of what's available and which plan offers the best value for your needs.
  3. Consider Customer Service and Reviews: Customer service is an important factor when choosing an insurance provider. Look for reviews and ratings from current or past customers to gauge their satisfaction with the provider's service. Good customer support can make a big difference in managing your plan and dealing with claims.
  4. Check for Network Providers: Ensure the insurance plan includes your preferred doctors, hospitals, and specialists in its network. Having access to the healthcare providers you trust is crucial for maintaining your health and receiving quality care.
  5. Evaluate Additional Benefits: Look for any extra benefits the plan might offer, such as wellness programs, mental health services, or travel insurance. These added perks can enhance the value of your plan and support your overall well-being.
  6. Seek Professional Advice: Consulting with an insurance advisor can help you navigate the complexities of private health insurance. An advisor can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and help you understand the fine print of each plan.


  • Private health insurance fills gaps in public healthcare, offering extra services like dental, vision, and prescription drugs.
  • Costs depend on coverage level, personal health, family size, and location, with varying premiums and out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Evaluate personal health needs, compare multiple plans, check provider networks, and consider extra benefits for the best fit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can private health insurance cover my family members?

Private health insurance can cover your family members, providing peace of mind for everyone under your roof. Most policies allow you to include your spouse and dependents, ensuring they have access to essential healthcare services without the financial burden. Whether it's routine check-ups, prescription medications, or emergency treatments, private health insurance can be a valuable safety net. When you’re selecting a plan, be sure to check the specific coverage options available for families, as these can vary.

In Canada, many insurers offer family plans that bundle coverage for all members at a reduced rate compared to individual policies. This can be a cost-effective way to ensure everyone gets the care they need. Plus, having one comprehensive plan simplifies the process of managing healthcare expenses. Remember to review the details carefully – things like dental and vision coverage can be especially important for kids. With the right plan, you can focus on making memories with your family, knowing you’re all protected.

What are the tax benefits of having private health insurance?

Private health insurance in Canada doesn’t just keep you covered; it can also offer some neat tax perks. If you're self-employed or own a business, the premiums you pay for private health insurance can often be claimed as a business expense. This means they’re deductible, reducing your taxable income and saving you money come tax time. For regular folks, premiums paid through an employer's plan might qualify for the Medical Expense Tax Credit (METC). This credit can help reduce your overall tax bill if your medical expenses exceed a certain percentage of your income.

But wait, there’s more! Private health insurance can also save you money on out-of-pocket healthcare costs. From dental visits to prescription medications, those costs can add up quickly. With insurance, you’re less likely to dip into your savings for these expenses, keeping more money in your pocket. Plus, having coverage means you might avoid the financial hit from unexpected medical bills, giving you peace of mind and financial stability. In short, private health insurance not only keeps you healthy but also offers valuable financial benefits.

Can I get private health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition?

Yes, you can get private health insurance even if you have a pre-existing condition, but it might be a bit trickier. In Canada, private health insurers are allowed to consider your medical history when you apply. This means they might impose a waiting period for coverage related to your pre-existing condition, charge higher premiums, or even exclude certain conditions from your coverage altogether. It's important to shop around and compare different insurers, as their policies on pre-existing conditions can vary widely. Some might be more lenient than others, so don't get discouraged if the first quote isn't what you hoped for.

Navigating the private health insurance landscape with a pre-existing condition can be daunting, but it's doable with a bit of research and patience. Start by listing all your health needs and any ongoing treatments. Then, contact various insurers and ask specific questions about how they handle pre-existing conditions. Don’t be afraid to ask for a detailed explanation of any waiting periods or exclusions. Additionally, consider working with an insurance broker who can help you find the best plan tailored to your situation. Remember, the goal is to ensure you get the coverage you need without unnecessary stress.

How do I manage my private health insurance policy effectively?

Managing your private health insurance policy effectively starts with understanding your coverage. Review your policy details, focusing on what’s covered and what’s not. Keep an eye on deductibles, co-pays, and any annual limits. It’s smart to know this upfront to avoid unexpected costs. Stay organized by keeping all your insurance documents in one place, whether digitally or in a physical folder. This includes your policy, any amendments, and correspondence with your insurer. Also, don't forget to update your insurer if there are any changes in your personal information or health status.

Another key aspect is making the most of your benefits. Schedule regular check-ups and preventative care; these are often covered and can prevent bigger health issues down the road. If you need to make a claim, do it promptly and keep copies of all related bills and documents. Most insurers have online portals that make filing claims and checking the status easy. Finally, if you ever have questions or something isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to call your insurer. They’re there to help you navigate your policy and get the most out of your coverage.

Are there private health insurance plans for seniors in Canada?

In Canada, private health insurance plans are available for seniors, filling the gaps that provincial health plans might not cover. These private plans can be a lifesaver, especially as health needs change with age. They often cover things like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, and even some paramedical services like physiotherapy and massage therapy. While provincial plans handle the basics, private insurance ensures you get the comprehensive coverage you need without breaking the bank on out-of-pocket expenses.

Navigating the world of private health insurance can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Many insurance providers offer tailored plans specifically for seniors, ensuring that you only pay for what you really need. These plans can be customized to suit your lifestyle and health needs, making it easier to stay on top of your health without any added stress. Whether you’re looking for a plan that covers everyday health expenses or something more extensive, there’s likely a private health insurance plan in Canada that’s just right for you.

What is the difference between individual and family private health insurance plans?

Individual and family private health insurance plans both provide valuable coverage, but they cater to different needs. An individual plan is tailored for one person, offering coverage that addresses their specific health needs and medical expenses. This is a great option if you're single or if your dependents have separate coverage. It’s straightforward, ensuring you have access to essential health services like prescription drugs, dental care, and vision care, without paying for services you don’t need.

On the other hand, a family plan bundles coverage for you, your spouse, and your children, often at a discounted rate compared to buying individual plans for each family member. This type of plan ensures the whole family is protected under one policy, which can simplify management and billing. Family plans are ideal if you want comprehensive coverage for your loved ones, covering a wide range of health services that cater to everyone from kids needing routine check-ups to parents needing specialist care. Whether you choose an individual or family plan, private health insurance can offer peace of mind and financial security for Canadians.

What are common exclusions in private health insurance policies?

Private health insurance can be a lifesaver, but it's important to know what’s not covered to avoid surprises. Common exclusions often include pre-existing conditions, meaning if you had an ailment before getting the policy, it might not be covered. Cosmetic procedures, like elective plastic surgery, usually don’t make the cut either. Fertility treatments and routine checkups might also be excluded, depending on the plan. Many policies won’t cover alternative therapies like acupuncture or naturopathy unless you have a specific add-on.

For Canadians, travel-related healthcare can be a grey area. While some plans offer travel insurance, routine care outside Canada is typically excluded. Also, dental and vision care often need separate coverage. Understanding these exclusions helps you better navigate your healthcare options and avoid unexpected costs. Always read the fine print and ask questions if anything’s unclear. That way, you can be sure your health insurance works for you, not against you.

Can I get private health insurance for short-term coverage?

In Canada, you can get private health insurance for short-term coverage. This is perfect for those times when you’re in between jobs, waiting for your provincial health coverage to kick in, or even if you’re a visitor who needs coverage for a few months. Short-term health insurance plans are flexible, typically ranging from a few weeks to several months, so you can tailor the coverage to fit your exact needs. They often cover essential services like doctor's visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications, giving you peace of mind without a long-term commitment.

Getting short-term private health insurance in Canada is straightforward and can be a lifesaver when you need a temporary safety net. Companies like Manulife, Sun Life, and Blue Cross offer a variety of plans, making it easy to find one that suits your situation. Plus, the application process is usually quick and hassle-free, so you won’t be bogged down with paperwork. Just remember, these plans are meant for temporary coverage and may not include all the benefits of a long-term policy, but they’re a great solution for those in-between times.